What are Unavailability Windows?

Ground station owners may preserve the exclusive right to use its own ground station by creating an "Unavailability Window" in StellarStation. Satellite operator cannot make a reservation of a pass when the period of the pass is covered by Unavailability Window. In other words, passes that is not covered by the period of Unavailability Window will be offered to satellite operator for reservation.

Ground station owners are requested to set unavailability windows before the satellite operator books their passes. You can set an unavailable window from 10 minutes later and beyond. On the other side, satellite operators with on-demand service can book their passes up to 7 days ahead, and satellite operators with reservation services can book up to three weeks ahead. You are able to cancel the booked pass if necessary, but the cancellation of a booked pass from the ground station owner is charged a penalty fee. 

Access to Ground Station Console

Ground station owner can manage own unavailability windows through ground station console, CLI (Command Line Interface), or API (Application Program Interface). 

The simplest way to manage the unavailability window is through ground station console. If you have not signed up StellarStation, or if you have not been allocated to your organization, please ask support@stellarstation.com to make your account allocated under the designated organization group.

If you are successfully allocated to the group, you will see the organization name in your account information.

Then, you can access to ground station console by clicking one of your ground station name from the left sidebar.

You can see the reserved pass schedule and unavailability window schedule in the calendar view. In the calendar view. Black square in the calendar view shows reserved pass from satellite operator, and blue square shows the unavailability window. 

Note that time zone can be changed between UTC and your local time by clicking the clock icon.

Creating a new unavailability window through the web console

You can simply set a new unavailability window by clicking the "New Window" button at the top right. The recurrent window can also be set by selecting "Daily" or "Weekly" from the dropdown list.

Creating a new unavailability window through the command line interface (CLI)

You can also set and view the inserted unavailability windows through CLI. For more detail, please refer help text in the CLI by executing "stellar gs -h".

>stellar gs -h
Commands for working with ground stations.

  stellar ground-station [command]

  ground-station, gs

Available Commands:
  add-uw      Adds unavailability windows on a ground station.
  delete-uw   Deletes unavailability windows on a ground station.
  list-plans  Lists plans on a ground station.
  list-uw     Lists unavailability windows on a ground station.

  -h, --help   help for ground-station<br>